Now and then I have to send a description about me. Being handy with computers I compiled this small presentation to help me present myself with ease.
Little Boy
- This is the young me. very cute. Born in Israel.
Software engineer
- This is a picture from my computer software era. I completed my studies in computer science at the Technion, the Israeli institute for technology. I completed a 4 year BS.c. in computer science with honors. Then I worked in the field from 1998 to 2009.
Contact improvisation
- This is place holder image just so you can get a feel. This is contact improvisation, it's a modern dance form and I love it. You really need to see it and feel it to understand what it is. It involves a lot of listening, presence, and is very joyful. it's a marvelous way to connect. I've been enjoying it on and off for the past 15 years.
Burning Man.
I've been to burning man 4 times. don't think i'll ever go again, but it's definitely a unique experience and well worth the time if you are up for it. If you've been there you would probably recognize the colors, the dust, and the Fur coats.
Married life
- Yes i've been married. Nope - i'm not anymore. We both still live in the bay area and we are really good friends.
The Trager Approach
- As I like to experience a wide variety of things, in 2009-2010 I studied "The Trager approach" as I wanted to learn a modality of touch. I even had an office in Fairfax for a while. I still love doing it but not in a professional setting.
- I do love making Sauerkraut. I even thought of going into business for a while. I guess this represents my love for good food, and going back to a natural way of eating. "Nourishing Traditions" would be a good book to start with.
California Nature
California nature. Not plenty, but a couple of backpacking trips and some hiking with visitors from overseas.
Other places
Started in 2009, continued for most of 2010 and some of 2011, I traveled the world. Visited Finland, Israel, Germany, China, Taiwan, And twice India. Wonderful memories.
- I'm a philosopher. I'm also an enneagram 5 with a 4 wing which means i'm an observer. I write some of my stuff at . I've been studying Advita and meditation for a decade. I've done several Goenka Vipassana retreats, retreats with Adyashanti and Ganagji, listened to Alan Watts and Osho, and studies Kabbalah with Dr. Michael Laitman. I'm not currently studying with anyone except my martial arts teacher. These days i'm writing and listening.